Age Rum Myself… Why Not?

For my birthday Mrs. Trader bought me a personalized Oak Barrel from American Oak Barrel. At first I was only going to use it as a part of the eclectic decor that I continually add to but then it seemed like a waste to just have an empty barrel hanging there… empty… when I could be hanging there with rum inside.

So, here we go. Figure I’ll chronicle the adventure here so that everyone can follow along…

March 12, 2018 – Day 1: Since this is a new barrel, before spirits can be added it has to be cured. So, first I did a few rinse outs and then I filled it to the top with hot water. Now it needs to sit for 3-5 days (boring) before we can add rum. I’ll have to keep the water filled until none is leaking out so stay tuned…

March 17, 2018 – Day 5: So the barrel started out pretty “leaky” however after two days of soaking it sealed up nicely.  Just in case I let it soak for an additional 3 days to make sure it was nice and solid.

No time like St. Patrick’s Day to add the rum… I selected a lightly aged El Dorado white rum from Guyana.  I’ve heard good things about El Dorado but have not had the pleasure yet to experience acclaimed 15 year rum.  While I am pretty sure I won’t be able to wait 15 years, I’m hoping the small barrel will add to the flavor and body to the rum over the next few months.  More coming soon…

April 8, 2018 – Day 27: The rum takes to the skies!!! Way back when I was first starting decorating Trader Jay’s I was on a long hunt for pulleys or sailing blocks. I felt like we definitely needed them for the decor. I kept coming up short but then Mrs. Trader stumbled upon some while out and about. She bought three (not knowing which I’d like/want). Well, while they were good they just sat unused for over a year.

Since receiving the Barrel I had it in the back of my head that I wanted to hang it from the ceiling using the pulleys. So, Sunday I finally made it happen. While there is some nervousness over it all, it seems to be anchored well and secure.

So now I have an Aging Rum Barrel hanging from the ceiling… and that’s the real dream, right???

Planning to give the rum a taste around the one month mark…

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